23-24 TISCA Meet Details
Location: Bill Walker Pool & Josh Davis Nataorium
Blossom Athletic Center (Northeast Stadium)
Jones-Maltsberger Road at Starcrest Drive or East Bitters Road
San Antonio, TX 78216
Note: There are minimum time standards for this meet.
Swimming Preliminaries @ Bill Walker Pools (Both days):
– Swimmers arrive no later than 7:45 am- Please plan for extra time if you are leaving Austin Friday morning!
– Warm Up: 8:00 am / Start: 9:45 am
Swimming Finals @ Davis Natatorium:
– Arrive no later than 3:45 pm
– Warm Up: 4:00 pm /Start: 5:00 pm
Diving Prelims and Finals @ Davis Natatorium:
– Women’s one-meter and men’s three-meter competition on Friday, Dec. 1: Warm Up: 11:00am /Start: 12:00 pm
– Women’s three-meter and men’s one-meter competition on Saturday, Dec. 2: Warm Up: 9:00am /Start: 10:00 am
Transportation & Hotels: Families travel on their own. If you are in need of carpooling help, please reach out to Coach Carr or Hannah Lewis ASAP.
– Positive attitudes and fast swims only!
– Bring extra suits, towels, caps and goggles!
– Bring water and any necessary snacks!
– TOP 16 advance to Finals for individual events
– TOP 8 advance to Finals for relays
– Relays are subject to change. I will decide who swim in each relay depending on how everyone feels.
– Those competing Friday are excused the full B Day.
Parents/Guardians/ SPECTATORS:
Last year’s event required ticket purchase. Link will be posted as soon as it’s available.
-Spectators must enter via the Davis Natatorium front doors
-NEISD’s Clear Bag Policy (Page #9 of the Meet Details Packet) will be strictly enforced.
-No Outside Food or Drink is permitted in the buildings. Water Refill stations are available around the facilities and the concession stand will be open.