Tryouts will be held on Saturday, May 18 2024 at the Circle C Swim Center (5919 La Crosse Ave. #100, Austin, TX 78739). This will also be our practice facility.
If it’s storming and the pool is closed, we will have tryouts at a later date/time TBD.
If you are new to the team, you must bring a copy of a physical from this past year in order to try out.
Prior to trying out, please complete the following form:
Please arrive 15 minutes early-on time and be prepared to swim and race!
Please come in your suit and have your goggles, swim caps ready!
Bring a water bottle for hydration and towel. No other equipment is needed for tryouts.
Parents/Guardians, please stay until your swimmer gets checked in with paperwork.
Swimmers: plan to be in the water for approximately two (2) hours.
Please clean up after yourself. Circle C is our “home” and we want to keep it that way.
TRYOUTS ARE MANDATORY. If you cannot make tryouts in April, please email Coach Carr immediately so we can schedule a makeup tryout:
The Bowie Swim and Dive Team is highly competitive and not a program to learn how to swim, for recreational swim, or to get PE credits (although you will). All swimmers trying out should be able to swim all four strokes legally including proper turns. Although not necessary, it is highly recommended that students have experience on a swim team before considering trying out.
Expectations of swimmers:
Be on time
Use proper technique in all four strokes
Come with a positive attitude
Ask questions
Complete all sets, regardless if you make the interval
Do proper turns
Dive properly off the blocks
Below are suggested times in order to make the team, but they are not guaranteed.